Types of Motion Planners at a Glance

August 5, 2023
This short article is to provide you with a comprehensive glance into the five big categories and general concepts of planning methods


This short article is to provide you with a comprehensive glance into the five big categories and general concepts of planning methods, accompanied by valuable GitHub references. Some representative methods for each group are introduced and pros & cons are discussed. We also examine their applications in robotic scenarios.

Type 1: Roadmap Construction and Planning

Roadmap construction is a commonly used technique to create a structured representation and identify topology. Initially, this method was not solely intended for path planning; however, we can use the structure to find a path between two nodes.

Despite yielding a coarse output, the path planning process results in a reliable geometric skeleton. This skeleton aids in efficiently navigating through the environment while avoiding obstacles.


There are two common approaches to build the roadmap: visibility graph and voronoi diagram.

Left: Visibility graph and shortest path between points [1]. Right: Partition based on the points (black) and the resulting voronoi diagram [2].

Visibility Graph

The visibility graph is created by connecting visibility lines between significant points in the environment. These points may represent obstacles, robot poses, or other critical locations.

Voronoi Diagram

The Voronoi diagram is a spatial partitioning method used to divide a given space into regions based on the proximity to a set of input points, also known as "seeds" or "sites." Each region corresponds to a seed, and all points within that region are closer to that seed than to any other seed.



  • Generates a geometric path for navigating very narrow passages.
  • Provides a good geometric topology, making it suitable as a search start point to find a global optimum.
  • If the environment is not changing and multiple shortest path queries expected, this group is very useful.


  • In many cases, considering kinematics is almost impossible, which means there is no guarantee that your robot can exactly follow the path.
  • For the visibility graph, it often requires a well-defined geometric representation of the environment (e.g., polygons), which might not be feasible in real-time sensing scenarios.

Type 2: Search-based Planners

In algorithmic terms, "search" refers to the process of exploring neighbors in a guided manner. We can employ algorithms such as Dijkstra or A* algorithm to search from a starting state until a goal is reached. The variations lie in how we define the neighbors (e.g., kinematic expansion or neighbor cells in a grid) or heuristic (opens in a new tab) to guide the search process effectively.

You can find a well-implemented version of this class in the "nav2" [3] or "SBPL" [4] repositories.


Left: We search over a possible propagation based on a kinematics [5]. Right: theta* algorithm (similar to A*) used for gaming [6].

Discrete Planning over Gridmap

One of the classic yet still widely used approaches for solving a sequence of cells for the shortest geometric path. This method serves as an excellent baseline for 2-dimensional path-finding in a grid-based environment. We can apply A* algorithm here, but more recent and advanced method includes Jump Point Search (JPS) [21].

State Lattice Planning

Building upon the grid-searching approach mentioned earlier, we can extend it to kinematic searching. Search space becomes the set of reachable states when the robot is assumed to steer with a discrete set of inputs. The search process remains similar to that of grid searching. One of the famous approaches is Hybrid A* [20]. You can find a good implementation from Nav2 Smac Planner (opens in a new tab).



  • Resolution completeness: The search solution is optimal within the given discretization.


  • Search time is not scalable for high dimensions.
  • In very dense scenarios, the use of only predefined discretization may lead to an inability to find a solution.

Type 3: Sampling-based Planners

Sampling-based motion planning algorithms use random sampling to explore the search space and build a tree or roadmap connecting feasible states. These algorithms start with an initial configuration and iteratively sample new states, connecting them to the tree if they satisfy certain criteria.

The variations may lie in whether optimality is included (e.g., RRT [12] → RRT*[7]), how to bias sampling in an informed way [9]. The extensive implementation of these algorithms from OMPL [8]. For the python version, this repository [10] might be useful.


Left: Animation of RRT tree growing [10]. Right: RPM randomly generates roadmap [11].

RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree)

The main objective of RRT is to efficiently explore the search space to find feasible paths from the start state to the goal state. RRT is particularly well-suited for problems with high-dimensional configuration spaces and complex obstacle environments. While RRT does not guarantee an optimal solution, it can quickly discover feasible paths and is often used in real-time applications.

PRM (Probabilistic Roadmap)

The primary objective of PRM is to construct a roadmap for a search space by sampling random configurations and connecting them to build a network of feasible states and connections. The roadmap serves as a global representation of the environment, and once constructed, it can be used for efficient query-based planning to find optimal paths between any start and goal configuration.



  • Comparison with search-based planning in terms of high dimensionality: Sampling-based PRM algorithms, including PRM*, RRT*, and RRT*, demonstrate significant advantages in solving high-dimensional motion planning problems.


  • Realtimeness might not be guaranteed for the optimality version
  • Unpredictability is expected compared to search-based planners due to the random sampling.

Type 4: Optimization-based Method

The preceding three groups employ algorithmic approaches to solve path-finding in a discrete domain. In contrast, optimization-based methods leverage the gradient descent technique to tackle numerical optimization problems. These methods operate in the continuous domain, providing a more rigorous reflection of dynamics.


Left: Dubins and reed shepp trajectory is derived by solving optimal control problem [16]. Right: Six piecewise polynomials are representing a flight curve of a quadrotor [15].

Optimization over Control (a.k.a., Optimal Control)

Optimal control involves optimizing the trajectory of control inputs (e.g., a sequence of 100 linear and angular velocities for differential drive systems) to minimize a given cost function based on the state. This method is often used when we have to rigorously consider the dynamics of a system. When dealing with relatively simple systems, the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) [13] is a common method in this category. For solving such optimization problems, cvxgen [14] is widely used and popular.

Optimization over State

In contrast to the optimal control, we might just want to optimize the trajectory of states. Optimizers such as CHOMP (opens in a new tab), STOMP (opens in a new tab) are widely used, and implemented in Moveit. The below figure shows the proposed optimization planner in [22]. The planner uses gradients from the obstacle cost to compute a safe trajectory.

Spline-based Method

The above-mentioned methods typically use state variables at each time step as optimization variables, which may not be scalable for long-range planning. To address this, we parameterize the trajectory of states or inputs using polynomials, reducing the optimization dimension by optimizing the coefficients of piecewise polynomials. This approach is widely utilized for generating trajectory planning of quadrotors [15]. You can find the implementation of this method here [16].



  • Kinematics and dynamics can be considered in the optimization process.
  • Continuous space can be employed to compute optimal trajectories.


  • Convergence may be limited to local minima, particularly when the initial guess is far from the global optimum.
  • In environments with dense and complex obstacles, convergence of the optimization process may degrade.
  • The effectiveness of the method depends on the shape of the cost and constraint functions.

Type 5: Motion Primitive Library

Among the introduced groups, the considered horizon is the shortest. This method involves predefining possible movements over a short horizon and selecting the best motion online. The candidates also should be checked for feasibility (e.g., collision). It is particularly useful in scenarios where there is a reliable topological reference (e.g., autonomous driving on structured roads). You can find an implmentation from here [19]


The final motion over a short horizon is chosen from a set of motion primitive (library) that best suites the purposes [17], [18]

Before commencing the mission, a library predefines a set of dynamically feasible motion primitives (e.g., polynomials). When the robot is at a specific pose, the motions are transformed, and their feasibility is evaluated for safety. After computing motion scores for trajectories, the final motion is selected.



  • Easy to implement.
  • The motion choices remain within the library, and thus intuitive.
  • Does not require gradient computation for the cost and constraints.


  • For relatively longer horizons, the selected motion candidates might be unable to reach the desired destination.
  • As the set of motions is predefined, the method cannot adapt to new motions that are not present in the library.

What’s next?

Up to this point, we have explored five categories of motion planning and their respective characteristics. However, navigating through complex environments often requires sophisticated combinations of these methods. In the following article, we delve into the combinations found in the most recent research papers and well-known packages.


[1] https://aerial-robotics-iitk.gitbook.io/wiki/concepts/path-planning/visibility-graph-analysis (opens in a new tab)

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronoi_diagram (opens in a new tab)

[3] https://navigation.ros.org/ (opens in a new tab)

[4] https://wiki.ros.org/sbpl (opens in a new tab)

[5] Differentially constrained mobile robot motion planning in state lattices. Journal of Field Robotics (JFR), 26(3), 308-333 (opens in a new tab)

[6] http://www.jcomputers.us/vol13/jcp1305-05.pdf (opens in a new tab)

[7] https://arxiv.org/abs/1105.1186 (opens in a new tab)

[8] https://ompl.kavrakilab.org/ (opens in a new tab)

[9] https://arxiv.org/abs/1404.2334 (opens in a new tab)

[10] https://github.com/zhm-real/PathPlanning (opens in a new tab)

[11] https://motion.cs.illinois.edu/RoboticSystems/MotionPlanningHigherDimensions.html (opens in a new tab)

[12] https://msl.cs.illinois.edu/~lavalle/papers/Lav98c.pdf (opens in a new tab)

[13] https://www.cds.caltech.edu/~murray/courses/cds110/wi06/lqr.pdf (opens in a new tab)

[14] https://cvxgen.com/docs/mpc.html (opens in a new tab)

[15] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5980409 (opens in a new tab)

[16] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40435-022-01111-3 (opens in a new tab)

[17] https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/scirobotics.adf0970 (opens in a new tab)

[18] https://frc.ri.cmu.edu/~zhangji/publications/IROS_2019.pdf (opens in a new tab)

[19] https://github.com/HongbiaoZ/autonomous_exploration_development_environment/tree/noetic/src/local_planner (opens in a new tab)

[20] Dolgov, Dmitri, et al. "Path planning for autonomous vehicles in unknown semi-structured environments." The international journal of robotics research 29.5 (2010): 485-501.

[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_point_search (opens in a new tab)

[22] Oleynikova, Helen, et al. "Continuous-time trajectory optimization for online uav replanning." 2016 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems (IROS). IEEE, 2016.