ROS Node as Adapter of Core Logic

April 27, 2023
When collaborating with others on a software project, it's important to ensure that the codebase is consistent and well-formatted. This can be achieved through the use of code formatting tools such as cmake-format and clang-format. cmake-format is a tool that helps to format CMake files in a consistent and readable manner. clang-format, on the other hand, is a tool that can be used to format C++, Java, JavaScript, and other code in a consistent style. By using these tools, developers can ensure that the codebase is consistent and easy to read, which can make it easier for other developers to understand and work with the code. This can be especially important when working on large projects with many contributors, where inconsistent formatting can lead to confusion and errors.

Look at some of famous projects including ROS interface: octomap (opens in a new tab), voxblox (opens in a new tab), cartographer (opens in a new tab), and zed (opens in a new tab). Can you guess what is shared between them? They tried to separate their core logic from ROS either by separating the repository or directories.

ROS as adapter, not entangler

Before discussing separation, I want to introduce a perspective that ROS can be seen as an adapter. Understanding this concept will help you clearcut ROS from your core logic.

Recap on adapter pattern

Adapter (opens in a new tab) is a very famous design pattern, which can be understood with the following words: wrapper, interface, bridge,or interpreter. Let us see the following three code snippets.

#include "my_core_logic.hpp"
#include "GameAsset.hpp"
class AdapterForGameEditor: public GameAsset { // GameAsset = interfacing with Game.cpp
    void run() override;
    CoreLogic core_logic_;
#include "AdapterForGameEditor.hpp"
void AdapterForGameEditor::run() {;
#include "AdapterForGameEditor.hpp"
GameAsset* asset_with_core_logic = new AdapterForGameEditor();

Here, Game.cpp can be seen as a client code, which knows only GameAsset class. To perform some my_core_logic encapsulated inside GameAsset, we can adopt the above adapter pattern for GameAsset by defining AdapterForGameEditor which understands the interface GameAsset while including core logic.

ROS node can be also an adapter

In a very similar manner, we can easily find (opens in a new tab) the below adapter-pattern code.

#include <rclcpp>
#include <sl/Camera.hpp> // core
class ZedCamera : public rclcpp::Node{ // Node = base class having ROS interfacing
  image_transport::CameraPublisher mPubRgb; // some publishers
  clickedPtSub mClickedPtSub; // some subscriber
  sl::Camera mZed; // core class from

As you can see, some core header is included as a member of ROS node, while the ros node has interface derived from Node. More generally, this kind of code can be expressed with the below pseudo code (although I expressed in ROS2 code, ):

YourRosNodeClass.hpp (adapter pattern)
#include <rclcpp>
#include <your_core_logic.hpp>
class YourRosNode : public rclcpp::Node{
  // set of publishers
  rclcpp::Publisher<T>::SharedPtr publisher_;
  // set of subscribers
  rclcpp::Subscriber<T>::SharedPtr subscriber_;
  // core logic class
  YourCodeLogicClass core_class_;

As you can see from the above, your ROS node YourRosNode can be made from 1) inheriting interface Node class and including core logic YourCoreClass.

Fig. Adapter pattern of ROS Node


ROS and core logic on same file? Only if you are 100% sure that ROS is the only outlet!

Let us assume that we have a core logic and it should be shipped to various platforms. This is the case for ZED (opens in a new tab) SDK which should be delivered to Unity (opens in a new tab), Unreal (opens in a new tab), H-hub (opens in a new tab), and ROS 2 (opens in a new tab),... If you are in a similar situation, it is insane if you entangle ROS code and pure logic which should be reused across different outlets. Of course, ZED did not go that way. See this picture:

Fig. Library structure of ZED SDK and outlets

So, what is the direction?

Simple: YOUR CORE LOGIC SHOULD RUN AND TESTED WITHOUT ROS. Your aim is to make your logics reusable across many outlets. Calling a core package as core and a ros wrapping package as ros-wrapper, this can be achieved by:

  • Your core should be a pure CMake package for easy reusability, not catkin (opens in a new tab) or ament (opens in a new tab) package. You can create pure cmake package by ros2 pkg create --build-type core in ROS2.
  • You have two different directories or repositories for storing 1) core and 2) ros-wrapper.
  • ros wrapper only finds and uses core in CMakeLists.txt. Also, ros wrapper should not contain complex logics. It just sets incoming data for core and gets the computation result from core.
  • For your development convenience, it would be good if core and ros-wrapper are built with a single build command (colcon build or catkin_make) on a workspace (e.g., ros2_ws or catkin_ws).
  • Testing core should be possible without ros-wrapper.

If you want to know how we can write CMakeLists.txt and design file structure, read the next article 😁.